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jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010

"Organism Environment Theory"

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  1. 22-R5HOL

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    DETECTISM AND ORGANISM-ENVIRONMENT THEORY. by Timo Jarvilehto. 30 April 2000, posted 9 May 2000. <1>. I have had difficulties in responding to Jan ...
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    Such influences should rather be predicted in the organism-environment theory because they are necessary to the formation of a dynamic organism-environment. ...
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  3. Theory of the organism-environment system: IV. The problem on ...

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    de T Jarvilehto - 2000 - Citado por 27 - Artículos relacionados
    The organism-environment theory is essentially a theory of development, ... The organism-environment theory attempts to grasp conceptual problems in ...
  4. The Theory of the Organism-Environment System as a Basis of ...

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    de T Järvilehto - 2009 - Citado por 2 - Artículos relacionados
    The organism-environment theory is essentially a theory of development, and its methodology is based on the analysis of different forms ...
    www.informaworld.com/index/911235871.pdf - Similares
  5. [PDF]

    Systeeminen käsitys hermoston toiminnasta

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    de T Järvilehto - Citado por 2 - Artículos relacionados
    Relation of organism-environment theory to the principles of ”two systems theory... Application of the organism-environment theory ...
  6. Theory of the organism-environment system: IV. The problem on ...

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    de T Jarvilehto - Citado por 27 - Artículos relacionados
    The present article is an attempt to bring together the development of mental activity and consciousness in the framework of the organism-environment theory ...

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    From the point of view of the organism-environment theory (Jarvilehto, 1998), the environment of the machine is a human environment as it is presented in ...
    wwwedu.oulu.fi/homepage/tjarvile/mach.htm - En caché
  8. Psycoloquy 10(019): WHAT IS REPRESENTED IN THE ORGANISM ...

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    His proposal to use instead the concept of an action oriented representation (AOR) may be useful in developing the organism-environment theory (Jarvilehto ...
    www.cogsci.ecs.soton.ac.uk/cgi/psyc/newpsy?10.019 - En caché
  9. [DOC]

    The connection between an organism and its environment has been ...

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    However, according to the organism-environment theory, the person is not simply reacting to the color of light. He/she is part of a cycle of causal events ...
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  10. [DOC]

    What Is Motor Learning

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    de T Järvilehto - Artículos relacionados
    It is also important to stress that from the point of view of the organism-environment theory human learning has essentially a social character and ...
    cc.oulu.fi/~tjarvile/motor.doc - Similares

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    They present a problem for the traditional theory of perception, as pointed out by Virsu & Vanni (1998), but in the organism-environment theory their ...
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  2. Järvilehto

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    framework of the organism-environment theory consciousness developing with .... Thus, according to the organism-environment theory the world that may be ...
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    In the framework of the organism-environment theory consciousness developing with human co-operation and communication is the basis of any description of ...
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  4. Untitled Document

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    Similarly, from the point of view of the organism-environment theory I can derive the dichotomy between idealism and materialism and propose that it is ...
  5. Consciousness & Emotion, 2000, 1: 00-00

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    de T Jarvilehto - 2000 - Artículos relacionados
    The organism-environment theory follows this principle when examining the development of consciousness. According to this approach consciousness did not ...
    www.goertzel.org/dynapsyc/2001/jarvilehto.htm - En caché - Similares
  6. Author's Works and History - THE SUBJECTIVE SELF

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    Commentary on "Mental Activity and Consciousness in the Framework of the Organism-Environment Theory", by Timo Jarvilehto. Papers Presented ...
    www.subjectiveself.com/resumenew.htm - En caché
  7. Summary of topic efference knowledge

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    However, within the framework of the organism-environment theory, the process of knowledge formation may be described in either way, because knowledge ...
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  8. feel

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    The organism-environment theory is an attempt to solve such problems by changing the basic assumption of two systems (”two systems theory”), and starting ...
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  9. infimonikal system: la ciencia española no necesita tijeras

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  10. No Title

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    ... invited commentary on Mental Activity and Consciousness in the Framework of the Organism-Environment Theory, Timo Jarvilehto, in Karl Jaspers Forum, ...
    www.dai.ed.ac.uk/homes/cam/Publications.html - En caché

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  1. Early years education: major themes in education - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    Rod Parker-Rees, Jenny Willan - 2006 - Education - 483 páginas
    (2001) The self and free will in the framework of the organism- environment theory, Karl Jaspers Forum, Target article, ...
  2. Articles/Järvilehto

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    cc.oulu.fi/~tjarvile/arte.htm - En caché
  3. SimBioDiversidad: The BOBS met Symbiodiversity Gueby-network

    ... participation Science with people Organism-environment theory Web 2.008 Rizome Fluicidad Abduction Bacterial social inteligence and communication Fourth ...
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    Dialectical Theory - DIALECTICAL MATERIALISM AND ORGANISM-ENVIRONMENT THEORY When starting to develop the organism-environment theory I realized that, ...
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    (Keywords: motor skills, cognitive skills, physical activity, reading, EyeLink II -eye tracking unit, organism-environment theory and experimental research) ...
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  6. [PDF]

    Luettelo kirjallisesta toiminnasta Oulun yliopistossa 1999

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    615* Järvilehto, Timo Efferent influences: an essential part of organism-environment theory. Reply to Gold on Efference-Knowledge. - Psycoloquy, 1999, vol. ...
    herkules.oulu.fi/isbn9514264827/isbn9514264827.pdf - Similares
  7. [PDF]

    Luettelo kirjallisesta toiminnasta Oulun yliopistossa 2000

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    642 Järvilehto, Timo Detectism and organism-environment theory. - Karl Jaspers Forum, 2000, s. 1-2. http://www.DouglasHospital.qc.ca/fdg//kjf/22-R5HOL.htm ...
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  8. [PDF]

    Luettelo kirjasllisesta toiminnasta Oulun yliopistossa 2001

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    625* Järvilehto, Timo Self and free will in the framework of the organism-environment theory. -. Karl Jaspers forum. TA 36B, 2001. http://www. ...
    ntsat.oulu.fi/rae2007/s/Luettelo_2001.pdf - Similares
  9. [RTF]

    2001 - 7846 KB - Control Engineering Laboratory - HOME

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    Järvilehto, Timo Self and free will in the framework of the organism-environment theory. - Karl Jaspers forum. TA. 36B, 2001. http://www. ...
    ntsat.oulu.fi/rae2007/s/OY_julk_2001_kategorioittain.rtf - Similares
  10. University Institute in mental health, Douglas Hospital ...

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    Il est un chef de file international en soins, recherche et enseignement en santé mentale. Affilié à l'Université McGill, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
    www.douglas.qc.ca/ - En caché - Similares

1 comentario:


    TA22 (Jarvilehto)

    Response 5 (to Holmgren's C7)


    by Timo Jarvilehto

    30 April 2000, posted 9 May 2000


    I have had difficulties in responding to Jan Holmgren's commentary, because his "detectism" theory is in many respect very close to my approach, although there is one very conspicuous difference, namely his emphasis on consciousness as a brain process. This, however, is in my opinion not crucial in his theory; more important, in my opinion, is the idea that we act as "detectors" of the real world which exists independent of us (though not as a MIR in an ordinary sense). After some thinking I can now suggest a role for "detection" also in my theory.


    I start with the postulate that our experience is based on an organism-environment system, i.e. that our existence embraces from the start parts of the real world: those parts, which are necessary for the life process. Thus, there is no organism who could "detect" the world, because he is from the beginning embedded in this world.


    However, each organism-environment system starts with a certain "working field", i.e. not all world belongs to the system, but only those parts which may join to the structure of the system. The other parts of the universe with their infinite properties exist outside the system. The life process of the organism (i.e. of the organism-environment system) consists of learning, which means differentiation and widening of its structure. In this process the organism "detects" new parts of the world.


    Thus, in our action we "detect" the world which is independent of us, but we detect it only in the frame of our structure, which means that we may use the world only from our subjective point of view. These parts of the world are embedded in our action, and we know them only on the basis of the results we achieve. And here comes the critical point: When we describe these parts we "construct" a world, which constructivists call "subjective", but which I would call a "shared" world. Our conscious knowledge, and that what some of us ascribe to the brain, is in reality shared knowledge which is based on the results of our actions.


    In conclusion, I agree that we "detect" the world, but the problem is that we can never describe the parts of the world we detected. We know these parts, because they are embedded in our structure, and thus form the basis of the results of our actions, but when we try to describe these parts we can only indicate by language such aspects of these parts which we can share with other people. Thus, as conscious beings we can only "construct" the world in language.


    Timo Jarvilehto


    Professor of psychology

    University of Oulu

    PB 2000, 90014 Oulun yliopisto, Finland



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